How to Get A Perfect Twist Out Every Single Time: 10 Tips for Achieving Your Best

Twist Outs are versatile they look great on any hair type. When you are transitioning, they are a great tool to blend your natural hair texture with your previously relaxed hair. When I first went natural back in 2011, sometimes my twist outs would come out excellent, sometimes they would just come out ok, other times they would result in a big fluffy fail that ended up in a puff.

I’ve gone through years of failed twists outs, and fortunately you don’t have to! I’m going to share my tricks and trips to help you get the perfect twist out EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Prepare Your Hair for a Perfect Twist Out

For the best Twist Out results, detangle your hair. I used to avoid detangling because I thought it would damage my natural hair. However, I experienced more damage by not detangling my hair. Detangling removes any shed hair that may have gotten stuck in your natural kinks or curls. For any style including twist outs, it is important to start on detangled hair.

For a perfect twist out every time, start on damp hair. Water temporarily loosens your curl pattern, as it drys it will set into the pattern of the twist. A little moisture is your friend when doing a twist out. However, I don’t recommend doing a twist out on soaking wet hair because it can take FOREVER to dry. Unless you plan on sitting under a hooded dryer to help speed up the process, I do not recommend starting a twist out on soaking wet hair.

If your hair is freshly washed let it air dry or sit under a hooded dryer until your hair is at least 50% dry. If you are starting on dry hair keep a spray bottle nearby to add a little moisture back into your hair as you are twisting it.

Work in Sections for the Perfect Twist Out

When I am doing a twist out I section my hair in 4 to 6 sections. I’m a big fan of working in sections for natural hair in general, whether it’s washing, detangling, or styling. Working in sections helps to ensure that product is evenly distribute and makes the styling process go more quickly.

If you know you may want to wear your Twist out half up half down, make a straight part to split your hair in half. If you know you want to wear your hair in two ponytails then make a part going down the center of your hair. Otherwise there is no need for the sections to be completely straight.

Choose the Right Size Twist for the Perfect Twist Out

The size of your twist will impact the look of your final twist out. In general smaller twist will give your hair more definition, while chunky twist will give your hair more volume.

Smaller twist outs look amazing, but they require more styling time. I actually don’t mind twisting my hair while watching a good movie or listening to a good audiobook. When I put smaller twist in my hair I don’t mind wearing my hair in the twists for a while before untwisting them for the final look. For me a small twist out is about 40 to 60 twists. I section my hair in 4 to 6 sections and make about 10 twists per section.

Chunky Twists can really show of the length and volume of your hair. For a chunky twist out I normally do about 3 or 4 twists per section. The chunkiest twist out I have done has been with 8 flat twist. 4 Sections with two flat twist each. For a two strand twist out, I opt for 3 twists in each of the back sections and 4 twist in the front section.

Choose the right product for a Perfect Twist Out

For a twist out, you can use a daily moisturizer, a gel, or a styling foam. Which one you choose largely depends on two factors:

1.) how long you want your twist out to last

2.) how much volume and definition you would like to achieve

Sometimes you may want to do a twist out that lasts for only a day or two and then put your hair into a different style. To avoid having to wash your hair again, use a styling butter or cream. This gentle hold will allow you to comb or twist your hair in preparation for the next style.

For a medium hold use a twisting custard,, flaxseed gel or aloe vera gel.

I honestly never thought to use a styling foam for a twist out until I saw a few stylists on instagram doing it. The results can be fantastic! Styling foams don’t weigh the hair down like gels can and they provide a nice hold.

For a firm hold use a styling gel. I’ve experimented with a lot of gels, and I always come back to Eco Styler. It’s affordable, alcohol free and easy to find in sores and online.

Keep Strands Separate for A Perfect Twist Out

When you start your twist, make sure both strands are about the same time so that you do not have to borrow hair from one strand. Each strand of a twist is one curl when you take down a twist out. To get even well-defined curls and minimize frizz avoid borrowing hair from the other section of your twist.

If the two strands of your twist are uneven as you work your way down, you have a few options:

1.) Start over and make the sections more even

2.) Add a perm rod to the end so that the longer strand still has some definition.

How to get Perfect Twist for the Perfect Twist Out

For a perfect twist out, you need neat twists. Keep hands close to the twist and move your hands down slowly as you twist. When you are twisting your own hair it can be tempting to grab your hair by the ends to twist your hair, especially in the back and middle of your head. It is important to keep your hands as close to the twist as possible.

Twirl or Roll the ends of Twist for A Perfect Twist Out

It is really important to pay a little extra attention to the ends of your hair. When I first started doing twist outs, I would get great definition at the root and down most of the length of my hair. My ends would come out straightish even when I was 100% natural.

To avoid those straightish ends make sure there is a little curl at the end of your twists. Add a little extra water and a little extra styling product to the ends of your hair and twirl with your finger. If you are doing a twist out on transitioning hair you can use a perm rod at the end of your hair

Allow Hair to Completely Dry for a Perfect Twist Out

This is one of the most important steps. If your hair is wet, it is not completely set. Once you start to untwist your hair, your hair will frizz up and lose definition. This is one of the reasons why I recommend starting on damp vs. soaking wet hair.

Coat Your Hands with Oil for a Perfect Twist Out

Coating your hands in oil to unravel a twist out helps to prevent frizz while untwisting your twist out.

Gently Separate your Twist Out for the Perfect Big Twist Out

I learned this trick by watching natural hair You Tubers. I never thought to separate my hair after a twist out because I thought I would lose definition. I still don’t do it often, but after you untwist your hair you normally have two curls. You can further separate each of those curls to get more girls.

This process of separating your twist out takes some time. Be sure that you use a product with a mild to strong hold if you plan to separate your hair

Pineapple Your Hair to Maintain the Perfect Twist Out

a pineapple is a loose ponytail at the top of your head. Gathering your hair at the top of your head helps to preserve your curls.

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