When Beyonce released her hair care line Cecred the masses waited for her to show her real hair no extensions no wig. After about a month or two I didn’t think it would happen. Have you ever seen the owner of Cantu’s hair? Have you ever seen the owner of African Pride’s hair? Probably not and if you have it wasn’t the reason you purchased products from their brands.

I don’t think it is necessary for women to have to “prove” they have good hair in order to sell a product. I absolutely want to see that the product works. What does that mean? I think the results from everyday people using it the way I would speak more to the product working than a stylist using it on a celebrity…I …digress…but back to Queen Bey….
She showed a wash day from start to finish. Sectioning her hair from start to finish to “prove” that there was no hair added.
I think the results were FABULOUS! Her hair is in great condition. I personally have not worn wigs or weaves in years, it is great to see a line that is geared toward wig gear. I’m happy Beyonce shared this vulnerable moment with the people.
Have you tried the new Cecred hair care line? Do you think Beyonce’s Hair Looks Fabulous?