Twist Outs are a go to hairstyle for an people with natural hair. Twist Outs help stretch the hair while creating definition. It truly is a great hair style. When I first went natural I did not wear twist outs very often because I thought they would need to be re-twisted every night. Through some Trial and error, I have figured out how to avoid re-twisting a twist out every night.
You do not need to twist a twist out every night if you use a product with a medium or strong hold. Using smaller twists gives a twist out more definition and can extend the life of the hairstyle. The single most important thing that helps a twist out last is ensuring that your twist are COMPLETELY dry before untwisting for a twist out.
Keep reading to learn more about how to avoid re-twisting your hair every night.
Choose the Right Styling Product to Avoid Twisting Every Night
There are several twist out butters on the market. Many will give you a flexible hold and allow you to go a day or two without having to re-twist your hair. Using a gel or styling foam can help you go longer without retwisting your hair.
Using gel will help twist add lasts longer. If you are concerned about potentially crunchy hair from using gel, you can use an oil underneath a gel to prevent the gel from getting crunchy.
Gel is heavy and can weigh your hair down. If you want to show off more volume, use styling foam for a light weight hold.
Allow Twists to Dry Completely to Avoid Twisting Every Night
If your hair is not completely dry before taking down a twist out, yout hair will be a puffy mess by the end of the day. The single most important step for a defined, long lasting twit out is to allow your hair to dry completely.
I let my hair dry in some jumbo braids at least half way before starting a twist out. I avoid styling twist outs on soakng wet hair. It takes FOREVER to dry, especially if I am using heavy butters or gels.
Some naturals avoid all heat like the plaque, but a soft bonnet dryer can help speed up the drying time for twist outs. I’ve used indirect heat without a heat protectant (clasps pearls) without heat damage.
Pineapple to Avoid Twisting Every Night
When I sleep at night I mostly sleep on my side or occasionally on my back. Pineappleing is gathering your hair in a very loose ponytail at the top of your add. Pineappling helps to perserve a twist out becuase it keeps your hair out of the way and from getting smashed whil you are sleeping.
If your hair is not long enough for one pineapple you can do several smaller pineapples. Just try to gather the hair in a section of your hair where it won’t get smashed while you are sleeping.
Extend the Life of a Twist Out with Simple Styles
After a few days of wearing a twist out, my hair has some definition but not enough definition that I feel comfortable wearing the twist out down as a style by itself. At this point
Old Twist Outs can be great for half up half down hairstyles or a puff. The front of my hair seems to lose definition more quickly than the back.