I officially started my Hair Detox on wash day May 15, 2021.
Typically the Hair Detox should start with a clarifying shampoo, However, I just clarified about two weeks ago so I didn’t use a clarifying shampoo for this wash Day.
I decided to document my experience with the detox.
Products are a tool, to learn how to use these tools consider subscribing See Some Curls, a visual library created by two natural hair stylists. The stylists are the pioneers of the 30-day hair detox and See Some Curls is the most concise version of the principles, products & techniques behind it. I stalked them on Social Media for Free @iamblackgirlcurls on Instagram, before deciding to take the plunge into the subscription service.
Cleanse: Innersense Color Shampoo
I used Innersense Color Shampoo because that I noticed my hair responds well to products formulated for color-treated hair. This is likely due to my Henna use (reformed abuser of Henna). I really enjoy the citrus/orange scent of the Innersense clarifying shampoo
Condtion: Innersense Color Conditioner & AG Boost
Again my hair needs a little protein or whatever that extra “umph” is in products for color-treated hair. So I reached for the Color Conditioner from Inner sense mixed it with a Little AG Boost. This made detangling a breeze.
Style: Innersense Quiet Calm and Nairobi Foam

For my twist I used Innersense Quiet Calm as a leave in. I need a little slip to section of my hair and a no hold styler was my choice for the job. Once my hair was sectioned of and ready to twist, I then followed up with Nairobi styling foam for a little hold.
Style: UFD & Innersense Hold
I used Uncle Funky’s Daughter (UFD )and Innersense Hold to style the front part of my hair. To be honest I probably didn’t saturate my hair enough with UFD. Around Day 3 my hair still had definition but was starting to get too big for the style I had. So I wet the front of my hair in the shower and applied a little more gel and restyled on day 3, using a different Gel, The Doux Big Poppa.
I need a little break from my hair, so next washday will be a low manipulation protective style that will last a week.