A friend who kept her hair in micro box braids most of the year and her hair was noticeably longer when she let her hair down to breathe. I begged my mother for box braids because I thought they...
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When I relaxed my hair, I would follow up my relaxer with a protein treatment. Once I went natural, I wasn't sure if I needed protein treatments or how often to use a protein treatment.
DIY Protein Treatments for Stronger Natural Hair Hair is made of protein and protein treatments can help your hair stay healthy and strong. Protein treatments help to strengthen your...
Braid Out 101: Everything You Need to Know about Achieving a Braid Out on Natural Hair
Braid Out Basics A braid out is achieved by braiding your hair and allowing it to set. Once the braids have set, you can take them down and your hair will be set in a wavelike pattern. Braid outs...
Washing my natural hair is a labor of love. At a minimum, I need an hour to wash, conditions, and detangle my natural hair. That is in addition to styling time. I delay washday as much as possible...
When I first went natural I thought finding a blow dryer for my natural hair would be easy. I opted for a blow dryer with the comb attachment like I used on my relaxed hair. After a few attempts...